Gift A Goat

Introduction of Project:-

A large number of people live under absolute poverty in a meager condition. They are deprived from the resources and their livelihood condition is very poor. For transformation of the country into Peace and Prosperous providing means of earning and livelihood is a basic requisite for which “goat gift” might be one of the option. Despite having large number of goat population in the country, the country is still not self-sufficient in fulfilling its demand. The current project thus envisaged to address both poverty alleviation issue and improve goat business through goat raising and gradually transforming subsistence goat farming to commercial production with available improved goat production technologies and improving the livelihood of resource ultra poor farmers.

The resource poor farmers who are in dire need of the resources for their livelihood will get goats as capital assets. They will be also provided with other necessary inputs along with complete package of practices for goat husbandry. By end of the project, it has been envisaged that each participating farmers will have more breeding does plus followers and will be capable of selling average different goats (breeding does, bucks and culled old goats) annually enabling them to earn income that can help for gaining their livelihood. This will contribute towards sustainable source of income and improvement of livelihood of these resource poor farmers. Simultaneously, complete package of practices provided to the goat farmers will improve the goat productivity, which in turn help to gradual transformation towards commercial production and import substitution.


The main purpose of the current project is to provide an income-generating option for poor marginalized and socially deprived people for contributing toward prosperous country. Following are the specific project purposes:

  • Income generation of ultra-poor farmers through “gift of goats” with complete Packages of Practices.
  • Demonstrate possibility and potentiality of semi- commercial goat production system for import substitution.

The following outputs are expected to be achieved at the end of the project:

  1. Income generating option developed through establishment of goat resource centre, verification of semi commercial goat production technologies and improved off-take rate.
  2. Standard of living of the farmers improved.
  3. Suitable technologies scaled-up

The ultimate beneficiaries groups envisaged in the project are the resource poor farmers of Mathura, western. The project also aims at commercialization of goat production with adoption of stall-feeding management and other improved goat production technologies.

This in one hand will increase the income and improve the livelihood of resource poor farmers through sale of animals while on the other it will contribute towards import substitution by increasing annual off take rate with improvement in the goat productivity. The goat gift will not only be the source of income for this ultra-poor people, but also the whole village will be developed as goat resource center which will help to provide regular supply of goats contributing towards import substitution.